Thursday, September 17, 2009


COST BENEFIT is a process by which you weigh expected costs against expected benefits to determine the best (or most profitable) course of action.
A cost benefit analysis is done to determine how well, or how poorly, a planned action will turn out. Although a cost benefit analysis can be used for almost anything, it is most commonly done on financial questions. Since the cost benefit analysis relies on the addition of positive factors(benefits) and the subtraction of negative ones (cost) to determine a net result, it is also known as running the numbers. The difference between the two indicates whether the planned action is advisable. The real trick to doing a cost benefit analysis well is making sure you include all the costs and all the benefits and properly quantify them.
When it comes to goal setting or deciding on the best plan of attack, working up a cost-benefits analysis will help you decide just which route would be best for you. And a cost-benefit analysis doesn't have to be complicated. You simply draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper to create two columns. On the left, list the benefits of achieving a given goal. On the right, list what it will cost you to get there. Once you've done that, you can simply add up the benefits and costs columns and see which has more. A simple cost-benefit analysis can give you an idea of whether a given goal is worth investing or not.
Hence, cost benefit is like a weighing- scale , (cost or benefit) whichever weighs the heavier wins, giving idea of a project, idea, or plan to be feasible to implement.

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