Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stunt Advertising

Stunt Advertising - Guerilla Marketing Strategy Hits the Streets

If you have live in or have visited a large city, with a designated marketing area (DMA) that possesses significantly diverse demographics, chances are good that you have been exposed to a street team before. Street teams are a form of guerilla marketing where teams of individuals directly engage pedestrians with promotional materials marketing messages.

Stunt advertising is a guerilla marketing techniquethat is being employed by street teams (recently with a greater number of street teams) to do a better job of grabbing the public?s attention. These "stunts" are open to include any activity which might seem out of the ordinary: a group of dancers in the middle of a park, people riding unicycles, a brigade of unusual animals being handled, etc. The objective is to grab the interest of pedestrians who might have ignored the message if it were just being presented to them through fliers, kiosks and more traditional methods.

One area where street teams and stunt advertisingseem to thrive is in and around college campuses. In particular, larger universities which are located near a significant urban population generate the ideal demographics for a street team and other guerilla marketing techniques to be most effective. These large educational centers are usually hubs for restaurants, bars and other social establishments and businesses which promote the kind of foot traffic which makes guerilla marketing techniques more effective.

For many years, beverage companies have used street teams to cater to their target audience at the ideal location: bars and restaurants. In these cases, the street team would consist of several representatives who would walk around the establishment, passing out free samples of products and promotional and marketing items, such as t-shirts, glassware, etc. Recently, more and more companies are incorporating stunt advertising into these street teams? arsenal of guerilla marketing tricks and techniques.

A rather large tobacco company used stunt advertising in conjunction with its street teams rather effectively in order to promote a new, smokeless tobacco product. In addition to the traditional street team methods of handing out free samples and promotional attire, the entire street team navigated the bars, sidewalks and patios on stilts. The effect was two-fold. On one hand, the stilts allowed the street team to be seen from a greater distance (which can be key when trying to promote in crowded bars and clubs). However, the stilts were so out of the ordinary that even the more seasoned bar patrons (who typically ignore street teams took notice).

You might not have seen a street team executing guerilla marketing techniques in person yet unless you have had a chance to visit New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia or San Francisco - often times these more creative and out of the ordinary forms of guerilla marketing promotions are only used in large DMA. However, stunt advertising and other forms of guerilla marketing work well in smaller DMAs, the real issue is the message and the intended audience.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Road I Wish To Tread On

To start and complete it from were my father stopped.
With this vision simmering in my mind and self-belief i endeavor to create opportunities rather than merely wait for opportunities to come.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thank You for submitting your responce!

Thank you for filling in your views and work on Cost Benefit Analysis the ones who found it difficult to post entry on blog can email the work to aditi madam's email id. Cheers!


To be a successful entrepreneur after working for sometime in the industry.

To do freelancing as a creative writer.


working as a event director in a leading event management company and later establishing my own after gaining experience, knowledge and better insight.


I see myself as a creative director of an ad agency in next 5 years.

I also want to keep doing free lancing in ad film making which is my passion.



working as an marketing executive for a media channel (travel and tourism).

Cost benefit analysis- critical aspect

The Cost benefit analysis is done to analyze the benefits which will be derived after making an investment.The benefits of a given situation or business-related action are summed and then the costs associated with taking that action are subtracted.
It remains a debatable issue whether this technique is effective in all the situations.
Primarily, CBA takes into consideration the tangible benefits but over looks the intangible benefits the business might get in the long run like feedback.
CBA indicates the repayment or the benefit an investment may fetch to the business and it does not consider the invisible loss or profits which might change the whole analysis.
For example: At the time of a festival, bonus is given to the workers and this expense is registered in analysis but the joy and the satisfaction of the workers after receiving the bonus is not analysed and therefore it is not calculated whether the workers worked more effectively after getting bonus or vice-versa.
If connected with advertising, in my opinion CBA is not effective as there is a lot of risk involved in advertising and organization invests a lot of money in advertising themselves and their products. This also is a debatable issue whether advertising is an expense or an investment as the returns are not cent percent sure, so analysing the Cost benefit would be a little difficult in case of advertising and media.



COST BENEFIT is a process by which you weigh expected costs against expected benefits to determine the best (or most profitable) course of action.
A cost benefit analysis is done to determine how well, or how poorly, a planned action will turn out. Although a cost benefit analysis can be used for almost anything, it is most commonly done on financial questions. Since the cost benefit analysis relies on the addition of positive factors(benefits) and the subtraction of negative ones (cost) to determine a net result, it is also known as running the numbers. The difference between the two indicates whether the planned action is advisable. The real trick to doing a cost benefit analysis well is making sure you include all the costs and all the benefits and properly quantify them.
When it comes to goal setting or deciding on the best plan of attack, working up a cost-benefits analysis will help you decide just which route would be best for you. And a cost-benefit analysis doesn't have to be complicated. You simply draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper to create two columns. On the left, list the benefits of achieving a given goal. On the right, list what it will cost you to get there. Once you've done that, you can simply add up the benefits and costs columns and see which has more. A simple cost-benefit analysis can give you an idea of whether a given goal is worth investing or not.
Hence, cost benefit is like a weighing- scale , (cost or benefit) whichever weighs the heavier wins, giving idea of a project, idea, or plan to be feasible to implement.

cost benefit analysis is a concept used to evaluate a proposal/investment/business opportunity before being actually suggested or implemented for purposes that vary in need and quantity(costs) by various firms/corporations.It is a basis to justify an investment and in nature is more financially relevant i.e for eg the hard dollar savings that the document talks about.it is not applicable in all situations. Considering the advertising and media industry or others , paying more money to recruit talented, creative and experienced staff to bring out best work, talks about increasing revenue and not savings by cutting costs,reducing staff etc .Benefits has got more emphasis over here compromising on the cost. CBA is seen more relevant for those situations where cost has got more emphasis than benefits and not the other way round.

vision & mission

to be a good marketer n inovative in ma ideas n wanna will to give ma 100% to my work to get the good result as we all here to give our best only.as jo bhi karo dil se karo...............


to be a good marketer n innovative in ma ideas n will try to give m a100 perent to my work to reach ma goal.............


Cost Benefit Analysis or CBA is a relatively* simple and widely used technique for deciding whether to make a change. As its name suggests, you simply add up the value of the benefits of a course of action, and subtract the costs associated with it.
Costs are either one-off, or may be ongoing. Benefits are most often received over time. We build this effect of time into our analysis by calculating a payback period. This is the time it takes for the benefits of a change to repay its costs it is cost benefit analysis who finds, quantifies, and adds all the positive factors. These are the benefits. Then it identifies, quantifies, and subtracts all the negatives, the costs. The difference between the two indicates whether the planned action is advisable. The real trick to doing a cost benefit analysis well is making sure you include all the costs and all the benefits and properly quantify them.
Should we hire an additional sales person or assign overtime? Is it a good idea to purchase the new stamping machine? Will we be better off putting our free cash flow into securities rather than investing in additional capital equipment? Each of these questions can be answered by doing a proper cost benefit analysist is

vision and mission

to follow my heart and achieve whatever I set out to achieve.


CBA i.e., Cost Benefit Analysis is a management tool helps in utilizing the maximum potential and opportunities by spending more or, reducing the expenses on the basis of future analysis. It fulfills the purpose of being a successful entrepreneur by peeping into the future and getting the best out of it by spending the minimum with the help of reducing unnecessary costs. It analyses both tangible and intangible benefits that affect the functioning and thereon the final results of an organization.

Any industry or organization needs an all time assessment and evaluation of its resources involved in production and profits, for this an organization needs to be in line with the latest technologies and continuously upgrading and innovating itself to cope up and survive in this competitive business world. CBA helps an organization in fulfilling the above stated objective by introducing the necessities and replacing or removing the unneeded. CBA deals both with the quantitative and qualitative analysis with the help of its three tools: Hard Dollar savings dealing with the quantitative aspects, Soft Dollar savings dealing with the qualitative aspects and lastly Cost Avoidance reducing or eliminating the future cost.

It is difficult to say that every time this technique will work because ultimately business is a risk game and taking risk does not always account for a rational approach towards the things. Moreover it is easy to analyze the monetary things but, analyzing and working on the non monetary aspects are a bit difficult to achieve. I also think this is a very conventional approach as all the time you cannot do the mathematics of being right or wrong as sometimes you have to bear losses for a huge profit lying ahead.

One thing I liked about CBA is that it helps in cutting down the unnecessary costs by replacing the old technologies that are not viable anymore and also cutting down the costs by removing the extra and unneeded. But, looking from the other side sometimes companies need to spend more in order to improve the quality so CBA should not act as a barrier for just reducing the present costs and ignoring the future. Sometimes companies even need to take quick decisions and CBA being a time taking process cannot be applied all the time.

It is good to measure and quantify the opportunities and reduce the risk factors and the cost involvement. But, businesses should not be bound by this kind of analysis all the times as this gives you defined vicinity to work on and narrow downs your approach. CBA should not be a constraint for businesses in making strategies.


Cost benefit analysis is something like a SWOT analysis; looking into all the positive and negative aspects of the situation that is being considered for the CBA. It is done with the objective of improving the financial operations of the organization, and obviously aiming at maximizing benefits. It aims at reducing expenditures which are turning out to be or can turn out to be a liability.

· A Cost benefit analysis can help us to decide if a project will be economically feasible.

· We can decide and rank which expenditures are to be given priority.

Cost benefit analysis provides an in-depth view of all the costs associated with a particular operation, the trick is to look into the costs which are often overlooked.

CBA is the justification of the costs by stating benefits.

Vision and CBA

Vision: Blurred

Cost Benefit Analysis:
CBA is like preparing a Balance Sheet where one side is Cost Incurred and other side is Benefits Derived. Effort is put in to come to a point where they weigh equal. And as soon as this happens, a decision is taken. And the tools used to come to such a satisfying point are: Preliminary Survey and Feasibility Study.

Critical View: We all do CBA daily in our lives, doesn’t matter how much larger or smaller the scale may be.
Specifically, in a company, CBA is an essential tool to save costs, time and energy as it can be applied in any department at any level. On the negative side, it doesn’t quantify intangible features. So some items on the balance sheet may always remain hidden and unanswerable.

NOTE: If anybody has heard of the term Due Diligence, then understanding CBA will not be difficult. In simple terms, DD is an investigation of an potential investment.

Cost and Benefit Analysis

It refers to assessing the cost and the benefits of a prospect initiative in personal or professional life, in lieu of getting maximum returns from money spent, if offer passes the preliminary survey and feasibility study, a detailed CBA report is prepared, which consists of purpose of initiative, survey details, rcommendations, investment involved, benefits and pay back time.
The benefits which can be quantified are hard dollar savings, qualitative are called soft dollar savings and future benefits are called cost avoidance benefits. The soft dollar savings are difficult to justified.
ex: The cost purchasing new machine will reduce time, increase productivity and increase morale, but all this can't be quantified.
The cost avoidance here will be the doing away with getting new cabinets to record same data, more files to maintain record, more persons to man and process the same.
It is applicable on individual investment but again perception of benefit and cost is subjective.
In nutshell, just as there are two sides of the same coin, same is the cas here, which the investment planners ned to be mind full about.

view point on Cost benefit analysis

Businesses take off and run for profit maximization,this calls for in-depth study of cost monetary & non-monetary versus benefits ,monetary & non-monetary,called CBA.

The CBA is nothing more than total costs versus total benefits.the offer is justified on grounds of total benefits exceeding the total costs,but glitchhere is that all benefits & costs cn't be quantified ,leaving the argunment unsold at times.

The CBA reports states the survey details,authorization, the investment involved,the paybak time,the purpose of offer madee and the needed justification.
Here,as stated earlier the hard dollar savings are monetary justiciable, barring the soft dollar benefits at times the future cost avoidance benefit can be challenging too.

To exemplify, Cost of using machines at counters for billing & serving ,is rationalized on ground of saving FUTURE COST of hiring more staff,to solve problems of wrong orders, long waiting for placing orders.
•The present cost is reduced & can be justified at doing away with extra staff.
•But, the value of customer satisfaction ,increase in productivity, increase in goodwill remain subjective.

But the justification can be made via keeping track of the poor feedback of customers & the number of customers who left without placing orders,by accounting for average business that could otherwise would have been gained from those dissatisfied customers.It help in assigning some monetary weightage.
Another limitations are:
The Public Investmnet Analysis is difficult,
Example:The setting up of factory,will lead to employment generation,better standard of living,but environmental loss,loss to displaced families,road hurdles during construction remain subjective.

It is suited only for ranking courses of action designed to attain the same ends,like the CBA results of setting up of damn & factory cn't be compared.
Furthermore,the perception of benefits &savings is subjective.
To summarise,its worth using but shouln't be only tool used for finalising an investment.

Mission & Vision

To complete my masters successfully
To work in a good event management company and become a successfull person in life

Cost Benefit Analysis

In today’s era it is very important for all companies to take decisions which can harm or benefit them with complete adroitness so CBA is exactly what they need.
CBA involves the total expected costs against the total expected benefits of one or more actions in order to choose the best or most profitable option. Cost benefit analysis focus on positive aspects and subtract negative aspects and provide us net results on the bases of which company take decisions.
Preliminary survey and a feasibility study ensure that all the relevant information has been gathered and evaluated correctly.
CBA makes the management believe that their Brand or product will not live an ascetic life but will do wonders if supported by good decisions.

Cost Benefit Analysis- critical review!

CBA is a way through which one can judge the feasibility of an oppurtunity in hand ! one can figure out what are the plus & minus points of the idea or the oppurtunity that one wants to take up! to analyse each bit of it through analysing various aspects of cost through the CBA.
But not always this leads to zeroing in the best deal ! We cannot measure every successful deal to be the cheapest in monetary terms! All the firms look forward to increase or maximise their productivity in minimum costs, we all know that, but then this might not hold true for all the cases. at times by lowering costs quality suffers and this might be overlooked by CBA , which goes anti that particualr business.
CBA is concerned with which oppurtunity would give the maximum returns with the min cost involved! It surely facilitates a business decision making process , analysing the costs and the benefits.

vision and mission

my vision and mission right now is to successfully complete this course, and try and gain as much knowledge and information on the field of ad and marketing. and after the completion of the course, try and find a job in a decent pr firm(hopefully)

Cost Benefit Analysis

CBA may also be referred as Optimum Utilization of Resources.

It is all about getting optimum out of the cost (capital) invested & knowing the benefit from any additional cost to be incurred.

It takes into consideration the long term outcomes from the cost being incurred.

Three Major aspects are:
(1) Hard Dollar Savings
(2) Soft Dollar Savings
(3) Cost Avoidance

(1) Hard Dollar Savings - It keeps into consideration Short Term Objectives

(2) Soft Dollar Savings - It takes into consideratio Long Term Objectives

(3) Cost Avoidance - It takes into both the above concepts, focusing more on the future reduction in cost.

view point on cost benefit analysis

The process involves monetary value of initial and ongoing expenses vs. expected return. Constructing plausible measures of the costs and benefits of specific actions is often very difficult. it is used to estimate costs and benefits either by using survey methods or by drawing inferences from market behavior.Cost–benefit analysis attempts to put all relevant costs and benefits on a common temporal footing.Inputs are typically measured in terms of opportunit costs - the value in their best alternative use.In its simple form, cost-benefit analysis is carried out using only financial costs and financial benefits.Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) estimates and totals up the equivalent money value of the benefits and costs to the community of projects to establish whether they are worthwhile.


You never know what life's got for you in future. But if things go accordingly, Sydney (Australia).

Cost Benefit Analysis- A Critical Review

Cost benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds all the positive factors. These are the benefits. Then it identifies, quantifies, and subtracts all the negatives, the costs. The difference between the two indicates whether the planned action is advisable. Inorder to do a cost benefit analysis well is making sure you include all the costs and all the benefits and properly quantify them.
Example of cost benefit analysis
A company that will like to buy business intelligent software to improve its business can use cba to make its mind:-
Cost side would be:
· Price of software
· Cost of consultant to install and implement software
· Cost of training for the software

Benefits are-
· Improved business process
· Better information better decision
· Increased staff moral due to the modern tools to support the business


Firstly, to successfully complete my masters degree! not just by having a degree in hand but absorbing all the essential values from this very cource and implementing it wherever needed in future.
I believe i can fair best at public relations and so i want to pursue the same with my utmost dedication and see myself grow in the same ,in the years to come!

critical viewpoint on cost benefit analysis

cost benefit analysis basically involves evaluating the costs spent against the benefits derived.
this technique works on the principle that any cost expended or any amount spent, should give its benefits in accordance with the amount of money expended.
this analysis is done when a decision regarding high spending is to be done. in such situations, the various alternatives are identified, and then; the costs attached to selecting each of the alternative is weighed against the benefits that will be derived by choosing that particular alternative. in simpler words, it means selecting the best possible alternative among the ones available; by choosing the one that provides maximum benefits at minimum costs.
in relation to the advertising and media industry, this principle would be applied in the sense of choosing among the various media available, by selecting the one that will provide maximum and most effective advertising. pr, and promotions; with the minimum possible amount spent.
A critical viewpoint on Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost benefit analysis, with this term we actually understand, analyzing any cost benefit which we can achieve after investing a certain amount of cost in a particular investment. CBA is an effective tool for decision-making in organizations where it can help in analyzing the strategies to implement an idea and also how will that negatively or positively affect the strategies/ideas.being a cost -effective method or rather a cost conscious method to be implemented, it still remains a debatable topic to be considered for various other issues.

firstly, CBA takes into consideration financial benefits but over looks the intangible benefits that can be derived over a time period like the satisfaction of the sales or the feedback. CBA completely ignores the intangible effects which are at times more necessary and important than just the tangible ones.moreover, it can provide estimates about the benefits and cost of a program before implementing it but provide no information about its impact on other ideas/ programs which is a big risk. Risk is an important factor and its effects cannot be quantified. so the accuracy level is not defined and cant be trusted as well.

also if CBA is connected with advertising, with my view point they cannot go hand-in-hand.it isn't necessary that a cost effective ad will only work out well.an expensive ad campaign can yield out a big business.also on the other side, putting in a lot of money in an ad campaign and the ad not working out well doesn't prove it to be a bad idea as well.it could be just on of the best.

CBA is an effective business tool if applied with a proper research and implementation for desired goals and results.
Mission: to enter advertising with a bang and carry that on with my high aspirations on account planning and client servicing, which will take me higher in those fields.

Vision: firstly, to be an accounts director in the first 5 years ,and finally have my name registered in one of the finest account planners in Indian advertising industry.

To complete MAMM with good marks
To get into a P.R agency or a govt.company
To do my work with full dedication
To follow my father's footsteps in the field of P.R
and last but not the least to gain recognition for myself


A technique designed to determine the feasibility of a project or plan by quantifying its costs and benefits. A cost benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds all the positive factors. These are the benefits. Then it identifies, quantifies, and subtracts all the negatives, the costs. The difference between the two indicates whether the planned action is advisable. The real trick to doing a cost benefit analysis well is making sure you include all the costs and all the benefits and properly quantify them.Benefits and costs are often expressed in money terms, and are adjusted for the time value of money, so that all flows of benefits and flows of project costs over time (which tend to occur at different points in time) are expressed on a common basis in terms of their "present value".

Mission and Vision

Mission - To complete this course by grasping the maximum i can from my faculty and their experiences and knowledge.To be working in an advertising agency as a client servicing executive.

Vision - Talent might or might not be there , but dedication to work hared religiously will make me reach places.

Learnings From The Course

To emphasize and improve on those areas where i lack and be honest to know things i do not know


Cost benefit analysis basically means analyzing the situation according to the value or profit or gain which will be achieved after taking a decision or making a change in the organization. It basically measures the benefit in terms of money which will be gained by comparing 2 situations.
It gives one a clearer view of the things in the financial front and accordingly give you a chance to save the max by not compromising on the result. But here we see that it does not measure qualitative factors like environmental change or comfort level etc..

Cost benefit analysis does not fit into advertising properly.No doubt it cannot be ignored totally as managing ones cost to gain the max. has to be done by everyone but in advertising where there are many human elements involved at the back of adverts , one cant measure the return on investment on that advert.

There is a non ending debatable statement which i have heard many a times is that " spending on advertising is an expense or an investment? " So i think this ends it all , we can argue on it till no end that if advertising is an expense for companies, then why do these companies spend so much on it. and if it is an investment for which returns will keep on coming in then no cost benefit analysis can be done for it.

cost benefit analysis

cost benefit anaylsis
done in order to understand the importance of results which company will yield on the expenditures company did. Cost benefit anylsis is done to analyse different projects which comes in front and to judge which project is the best for the company. cost benefit anaylsis is very important for our country because its still a developing country . bcoz of this we have limited resources so automatically vscarfice many opprotunties in order to stick to one opportunity/ project. cost benefit analysis focus on positive aspects and subtract negative aspects and provide us net results on the bases of which company take decisions.
cost benefit analysis is down to achieve cost benefits by cutting down expenses on tangible and intangible expenses and this is the best way to explain higher autorities about the effectiveness of CBA and how this work in the favour of the company & help in cutting down cost.
Example - Should we hire an additional sales person or assign overtime? here , quality and cost will be affected if assign overtime to someone then quality of the work will definately suffer and if additional sales person will be hired the cost will increase so, its difficult to take decision.

  • too much focus on CBA affect work quality
  • CBA reduces the scope of expansion and promotion
  • CBA reduces risk taking capacity of employer
  • CBA at time focus the person to ignore good opportunities
  • CBA if affect the faclities given to employees then this create differences and problems
  • results provided by cost benefit analysis can affect future scope of the company
  • CBA is also implemented on production dept. in order to get max. results in short duration but this affect the quality of the product and create pressure/stress on employees
  • creativity / innovation level reduces iin order to reduce cost of maunfacturing goods


  • media industry is different from other indutries because media include alot of money which affect the execution of CBA
  • less money = less creativity = no media activity
  • CBA and media industry can't go hand in hand bcoz this will affect the quality of media
  • profit or loss after implementing CBA in media industry is difficult to calculate


its like a game and its working depend on 2 things industry nature and the way of implementing this technique and analysis of result after implementation. and its difficult to work with this techniques bcoz of limited funds and inefficient utilization of resources


Mission & Vision
Mission - To entry this amazing world and try to contribute something , want to be successful in my area - i want to work as graphic designer and i'll create my own definition of success.
Vision - after completion of this course i'll work hard and find good job for me &always follow nice work opportunities and start with an aim to learn more & more and increase knowledge.


Its is the process by which business decisions are analyzed. The benefits of a given situation is studied and the cost associated with taking that action is subtracted from the total sum. Cost- benefit analysis is used for determining which alternatives is likely to provide a better return to the proposed investment. To determine how well, or how poorly, a planned action will turn out. Although a cost benefit analysis can be used for almost anything, it is most commonly used for financial questions. A cost benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds up all the positive factors. Then it identifies and subtracts all the negatives, the costs. Cost- benefit analysis determines whether the balance of the project is worthwhile. The equivalent money value are based upon information derived from consumer and producer market choices; i.e, the demand and supply schedules for the goods and services affected by the project. Care must be taken to properly allow for such things as inflation. In the end a worthwhile project is in which the benefits are positive.
For e.g.- Benefits and costs associated with living in a certain town. If a person has properties in various cities, the benefit of having it in bigger cities would be much higher than the benefit derived out of it being in small cities.


After the completion of the course i would really like to work& fulfill my dreams and reach high with dedication towards my work. i would like to work for event management company as an event organiser or co-ordinator and explore the world of events which will give me edge, satisfaction and experienec too. I would really like to establish my own event company and ensure that it once it reaches high and then never looking back.

critical view point on COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS

Cost Benefit Analysis or CBA is a relatively simple and widely used technique for deciding whether to make a change. We simply add up the value of the benefits of a course of action, and subtract the costs associated with it. Benefits are most often received over time. We build this effect of time into our analysis by calculating a payback period.cost-benefit analysis is carried out using only financial costs and financial benefits where large sums of money are involved (for example, in financial market transactions), project evaluation can become an extremely complex and sophisticated art.It is a powerful and relatively easy tool which is used for deciding whether to make a change. touse this tool we firstly have to work out how much the change will cost to make and then calculate the benefit you wil get from it.
where costs and benefits are paid or received over time, we work out the time for the benefits to repay the costs. cost benefit analysis can be carried out using financial costs and financial benefits.The costs and benefits of the impacts of an intervention are evaluated in terms of the public's willingness to pay for them or willingness to pay to avoid them .

mission & vision

To complete this insightful course and start my struggle as a copywriter in this fairy tale world of advertising.

My aim in life!

Mission: To grab the best opportunities as they come by to further lead my event management skills with a more professional attitude
Vision: To have a the biggest client database for my own 'Elixir events'

Cost Benefit Analysis

As per my comprehension, it is a structured formula to achieve cost benefits by cutting down on certain tangible and intangible expenses, also it provides a framework to convince the upper level management to imbibe a new way of working, a technological up gradation or any such progressive change which would help the company increase it’s efficiency. Technological advancements make CBA an indispensable part of business process as after some time technologies get obsolete ands they have to be replaced by new ones in order to maximize profits. Through preliminary survey & feasibility study RIM make sure that their CBA report is fully backed by facts and figures and justifies the need or opportunity to CBA.

Critical analysis of CBA
Excessive focus on CBA and cost cutting can lead to depreciation in quality of work
Eats up room for creativity/innovation.
Not fully equipped to analyze intangible attributes.
If organizations focus a lot on hard savings they might lose on soft savings.
The research, survey, study and report of CBA should be made with utmost caution otherwise it can backfire.
Shouldn’t be carried out at such a level that it deprives the employees from basic facilities.
As it also focuses on reducing production time it will increase pressure on employees.

Media Industry & CBA
It is required as technological up gradation is quite rapid.
isparity is quite evident in Media Industry, varied pay scales being a proof. CBA can provide a tructured framework which can give a blueprint of budget allocation.
Lack of funds lead to lack of creativity & Media industry is considered “Creative”.
Applying CBA to advertising industry would probably hamper it as impact of an ad cannot be measured by any tool precisely, when a producer/company/firm would compare his advertising expense against the sales of the product. He will definitely find himself in loss.

CBA seems to be a rational business technique, but needs to be applied with proper homework, caution and purpose. Execution of the CBA techniques have to be as per the plan or it can yield undesired results.

on the basis of my understanding a cost benefit analysis tells how well or how effectively will the planned action turn out. it generally adds on all the positive factors and subtracts all the negative factors to get the final result.
cost-benefit analysis is carried out using only financial costs and financial benefits.
For example, a simple cost benefit ratio for a road scheme would measure the cost of building the road, and subtract this from the economic benefit of improving transport links. It would not measure either the cost of environmental damage or the benefit of quicker and easier travel to work.

This analysis is even done by us on our daily basis for eg: while coming from sec. 37 to college one should take an auto or should take amity bus in order to reach the college .here the cost will be Rs30 to 40 of an auto and the benefit is traveling comfortably than by a bus where plus side is one can save the expenses and minus side is rarely you get a seat to sit and stand in a crowded bus.
Cost Benefit Analysis Definition.
When the alternatives are estimated to provide the same benefit, the alternative with the lowest cost should be selected.Cost benefit analysis is the analysis of an opportunity to demonstrate the benefits in cost saving in order to recieve management commitment and support to implement.

Cost Benefit Analysis Justification
1.Hard Dollar Savings
Hard Dollar Savings include reductions or eliminations of existing expenses . Example - In context of media marketing when the Ad Agency(Rediffusion) incharge for creative execution for a client(Airtel) has to send the advertisements for publication (E.g-TOI) in dailies and magazines , instead of sending the hard copy through courier /post can directly mail the creative to the media house for publication
2 .Soft Dollar Savings-Soft Dollar savings are qualitative and loss tangible to calculate.For Example-A media Planning and buying agency(Madison) for its client (Airtel) buys airtime known as free commercial time (FCT) from channel colors ( A mass reach channel in India) .The agency buys airtime in bulk , but in future channel colors is not willing to offer large airtime , because the channel (colors) has better contract with any other media planning and buying agency(Percept).The agency (Madison) now no longer has contract for buying airtime in bulk from the channel (colors). The qualitative aspect is that the agency (Madison) does not have a better dealings/negotiations to buy airtime in future. The agency may lose the account in near future.


Complete my masters successfully
To work as a Copy Writer & finally as a Creative Head in a good Advertising Firm

Cost Benefit Analysis- a critical review

Cost Benefit Analysis

CBA is an effective tool for decision-making in organizations wherein it helps in analyzing the positive and negative aspects of an idea before implementing it. Though the method is powerful to create cost- effective alternatives for a given situation leading to long term social gains and cost cutting but it is still debatable as many arguments arise against this methodology.

1. Firstly, the method takes into consideration only calculating hard dollar costs that are visible and quantifiable unlike other soft dollar assets which are invisible. For eg: R&D .

2. Secondly, CBA takes into consideration financial benefits but over looks the intagible benefits that can be derived over a time period.

3. It does not take into consideration the qualitable aspects of analyzing strategies such as in social programs like quality of life, time value etc.

4. It is not always necessary that the least expensive alternative is always the best alternative.

5. CBA can provide estimates about the benefits and cost of a program before implementing it but provide no information about its impact on other ideas/ programs which is a big risk. Risk is an important factor and its effects cannot be quantified. Thus, CBA does not completely justify he accuracy of its result.

6. At times there are certain strategic investments wherein the intangible benefits overweigh the financial benefits. Thus, CBA falls behind in justifying the fact that it is the most accurate method for analyzing the +ve and -ve aspects of a program before implementing it as it neglects many aspects which are intangible. but yet important.


Cost Benifit Analysis is Evaluating Quantitatively Whether to Follow a Course of Action.its simple and widely used technique for deciding whether to make a change.
Cost-benefit analysis is used for determining which alternative is likely to provide the greatest return for a proposed investment. Sometimes referred to as cost-effectiveness analysis, it is relevant to businesses as well as to not-for-profit entities and governmental units.
As its name suggests, you simply add up the value of the benefits of a course of action, and subtract the costs associated with it

example: Cost-benefit analysis traditionally has been used to evaluate the feasibility of public projects. Today, it is being advocated as a method to evaluate the advisability of environmental and business regulation.

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Cost-Benifit Analysis

  • Used to appraise & assess proposal
  • It's a decision making process

It involves the total expected costs against the total expected benefits of one or more actions in order to choose the best or most profitable option.

Benefits & costs are often expressed in money terms & are adjusted for the time value of money & are expressed on a common basis in terms of their private value.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Coffee ADDA

Hi friends,
This is ad we made for our local coffee house i.e. Coffee ADDA, as a college project.


Please leave your comments and suggestions.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Children See..Children Do

Hi folks,
A very nice and inspirational ad.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pepsi vs Coke

Guys nice ad but falls under the legal issue have a look!
click the link below